ATTR-CM Escape Room Interactive Learning Experience
ATTR-CM Escape Room Interactive Learning Experience
ATTR-CM Escape Room Interactive Learning Experience
ATTR-CM Escape Room Interactive Learning Experience
ATTR-CM Escape Room Interactive Learning Experience
ATTR-CM Escape Room Interactive Learning Experience
ATTR-CM Escape Room Interactive Learning Experience
ATTR-CM Escape Room Interactive Learning Experience
ATTR-CM Escape Room Interactive Learning Experience
ATTR-CM Escape Room Interactive Learning Experience
ATTR-CM Escape Room Interactive Learning Experience
ATTR-CM Escape Room Interactive Learning Experience
ATTR-CM Escape Room Interactive Learning Experience
ATTR-CM Escape Room Interactive Learning Experience


ATTR-CM Escape Room Interactive Learning Experience

Diagnostic interactive learning experience


With COVID-19 impacting healthcare professionals' (HCPs) ability to attend in-person learning events, we spotted the opportunity to maximize real-life scenario-based learnings and provide access to real patient case studies in an immersive gamified format. The aim was to provide educational awareness of the rare disease ATTR-CM, in which 34 to 57% of patients are misdiagnosed. The Patient Escape Room takes a practical patient case scenario and delivers training for the most complex diagnostic pathway in a safe, immersive environment. This experience was co-created with HCPs from the very beginning to ensure their needs and learning outcomes were met.

Client / Manufacturer


Tadworth, GB


London, GB
Date of Launch
Development Time
up to 12 months
Target Regions
Africa, Asia, Australia / Oceania, Europe, North America, South America
Target Groups
Consumer / User