Airbag Case For Cellphone
Smartphone accessory
Gree Electric Appliances Inc.Usually, it's a major hassle to locate a cellphone if it falls into the sea, lake, or swimming pool. In deeper waters, diving down to search for your phone may also be hazardous. Those problems are solved, however, thanks to this amazing airbag case. Responding to an increase in water pressure, rapidly expanding gases are quickly generated by chemical reaction and fill the flexible membrane that surrounds the cellphone case, forming a tiny life buoy. This is the perfect accessory to take to the beach next summer.
Client / ManufacturerDesign
Gree Electric Appliances Inc.
Zhuhai, CNGree Electric Appliances Inc.
Zhuhai, CNDevelopment Time
up to 12 months
Target Regions
Target Groups
Consumer / User