Akademische Mitteilungen Nr. 9
Akademische Mitteilungen Nr. 9


Akademische Mitteilungen Nr. 9

Academic News No. 9

The ninth issue of the Akademische Mitteilungen [Academic News] came out in June, 2003. This magazine, a project of the State Academy of Fine Arts Stuttgart, was produced and financed by students. Building on the great success of the first eight issues, Jana Frank, Carolin Frick and Jutta Kuss, under the guidance of professors Niklaus Troxler and Hans-Georg Pospischil, worked on the magazine while continuing their studies. The goal of the special edition's reports and interviews was for readers to gain an insight into the everyday and creative lives of Academy students and alumni, illustrating the academy’s diversity and vitality. Appreciating the interaction and stimulation that takes place between professors and students is not done by taking a look at the curriculum. A truer version of the academy comes from reading what students and alumni from all different fields have to say about their lives and experiences.

Client / Manufacturer

Staatliche Akademie der Bildenden Künste Stuttgart

Stuttgart, DE

N / A

Stuttgart, DE