Buch "Freiheit und Mut"
Freundeskreis Walter Scheel e. V.
"Freiheit und Mut – Was wir Walter Scheel verdanken" (freedom and courage – what we owe Walter Scheel) looks at the life and accomplishments of a great statesman. The book's esthetics focus on two objectives: gravitas and accessibility. A formal framework underscores Scheel's works and classifies them accordingly, while appealing visuals arouse interest and open up the topic to younger generations. Design elements include: an exploration of typographical possibilities, the specific esthetics of historical black and white photography and a classically modern photojournalistic layout style, à la the era of Walter Scheel.
Client / ManufacturerDesign
Freundeskreis Walter Scheel e. V.
Bad Krozingen, DEidentis, design-gruppe joseph pölzelbauer
Freiburg, DEDate of Launch
Target Regions
Deutsche Institutionen im Ausland, "Deutschland"
Target Groups
Politisch interessierte Bürger, "Politische Institutionen"