Participation, Intermediate Use
The project ›EIN LADEN_‹ addresses the problem of the increase in vacant shops in downtown areas. A city lives through its inhabitants, but they are often not consulted when it comes to the use of public space. However, despite many empty stores, there are lots of people looking for affordable space for non-commercial self-realization projects. A vacant store could temporarily become a place for communication, for development or for testing new methods of participatory urban development. New ideas for the quarter could be developed with the participation of outsiders, profiting from the concepts of open source and collective intelligence.
Many visitors of the 'EIN LADEN _' were surprised, that the project comes from the field of design. Most people believe that communication design is limited to the shaping of surfaces. We are all the more pleased to obtain this award, it underlines, that design is more than this!
Client / Manufacturer