Museum Luthers Sterbehaus
Museum Luthers Sterbehaus
Museum Luthers Sterbehaus
Museum Luthers Sterbehaus
Museum Luthers Sterbehaus
Museum Luthers Sterbehaus
Museum Luthers Sterbehaus
Museum Luthers Sterbehaus
Museum Luthers Sterbehaus
Museum Luthers Sterbehaus
Museum Luthers Sterbehaus
Museum Luthers Sterbehaus
Museum Luthers Sterbehaus
Museum Luthers Sterbehaus


Museum Luthers Sterbehaus

New permant exhibition

The new museum “House of Luther’s Death” is situated within the refurbished construction in which Martin Luther died, in addition with an entirely new building conceived specially for the museum. Throughout 500 m² are Luther’s relationship to death and his influence over the Christian death culture explored. New forms of mediation shall enable innovative access to the theme. The atmosphere developed invites visitors to explore with their various senses. The exhibition involves the historical building like a second skin, raising the importance of original construction, thus regarded as the greatest artifact of the exhibition.

Client / Manufacturer

Stiftung Luthergedenkstätten in Sachsen-Anhalt

Lutherstadt Wittenberg, DE
Design neumann schneider architekten neumann schneider architekten

Berlin, DE