PHL Reduction - Use of Solar Powered coldstores
Food loss reduction, Market linkage, Gender inclus
SokoFresh's aim is to address post-harvest loss, limited market access, and income reduction for smallholder farmers. We tackle these challenges through solar-powered aggregation infrastructure, best practices, and ensuring market demand for farmers. Our approach includes recruiting, training, and collaborating with local youth, generating over 1,000 jobs annually in rural areas. So far, SokoFresh has involved over 7000 farmers through 9 Agrihubs nationwide. We plan to expand our reach by nearly doubling the number of AgriHubs and enhancing women's participation in the sector.
This intervention recognise that famers a best left to doing what they do best; Farm. What I find brillant about the solution is that it is doing it in ways that suppport and respect the farmers vocation, and it is in service to the farmer's development support.
WINNER STATEMENTWe are delighted about the recognition of IF design for the work that SokoFresh is doing in the solar cooling space for farmers in Kenya. The award is a testament to the impact potential that we have as we continue with this endeavor.