Plugstreet Museum Belgien
Plugstreet Museum Belgien
Plugstreet Museum Belgien
Plugstreet Museum Belgien
Plugstreet Museum Belgien
Plugstreet Museum Belgien
Plugstreet Museum Belgien
Plugstreet Museum Belgien
Plugstreet Museum Belgien
Plugstreet Museum Belgien
Plugstreet Museum Belgien
Plugstreet Museum Belgien
Plugstreet Museum Belgien
Plugstreet Museum Belgien


Plugstreet Museum Belgien

Multi-touch wall

The remembrance center "Plugstreet 14-18 experience“ in the Belgian city of Ploegsteert recapitulates the local events along the German-British front lines and their importance for the First World War. Cosalux designed fragmental animations and a holistic UI for the central touch-sensitive memorial wall subtly introducing an international audience to the methods of warfare as well as the fates of people, without judging or focusing on a nation. The goal set for visitor interactions was far exceeded: more than 10,000 visitors took advantage of the freedom offered by the application to discover, collect and share their personal memories.

Client / Manufacturer

AWPA - Association wallonne pour le Patrimoine archéologique

Liège, BE

Architectura Virtualis GmbH

Darmstadt, DE
Cosalux GmbH

Cosalux GmbH

Offenbach, DE