Say it with Sky
Being in love is great. But saying it can be difficult. That’s why, for Valentine’s Day, Sky created a website that helped people get their love messages across more easily: “Say it with Sky,” a website that generates personal love messages from film snippets. To make this happen, a specially developed AI tool extracted the dialogue from 845 romantic movies and automatically matched them with love messages users entered on the website interface in real time. The resulting clip could then be sent to the person’s sweetheart instantly. This is probably the first time that branded content by an AI tool brought hopeful lovers together.
Client / ManufacturerDesign
Unterföhring, DEupljft
Hamburg, DEServiceplan / Plan.Net Germany
München, DEhmmh multimediahaus
Bremen, DETRO
Hamburg, DEDate of Launch
Development Time
up to 12 months
Target Regions
Europe, Specific country/region: Germany
Target Groups
Consumer / User