Tausend Hände Sutra / Thousand Hands Sutra
Book design
The Thousand Hands Sutra has long been the most popular Buddhist sutra in Korea. This sutra shows readers a life open to the unlimited compassion and ability within us, while also being a description of the enlightened life and the determination to follow such a life. However, it is difficult to understand, due to its sino-Korean characters and phonetic renderings of Sanskrit mantras. So we took Zen Master Daehaengs modern Korean translation, and structured it as a poem. This avoided the archaic language and rigid structure, making it possible for anyone to understand the deep meaning. Elements from works by the modern Korean artist Rim Hyo are reinterpreted and combined with white space to produce striking illustrations that embody the essence of Asian art. With this combination of text and illustrations, this sutra offers inspiration and wisdom to people from all countries and all religions.