überweihnachten in japan
überweihnachten in japan
überweihnachten in japan
überweihnachten in japan


überweihnachten in japan


Colorful, radiant and infectious: the Japanese pre-Christmas period is one that is full of excitement and vitality – no one can escape its attraction. The preparation period begins at the end of November, a time for decorating, advertising, looking and buying. The highlight of the annual ritual is the collective eating of the “kurisumasu keeki” (Christmas cake). This “feast of loved ones”, as it is called in Japan, appears to be based on a secret recipe. This book documents the attempt to uncover the magic ingredients, elucidating the Japanese interpretation of this “celebration of celebrations”.

Client / Manufacturer

mikan – Mariko Takagi

Düsseldorf, DE

mikan – Mariko Takagi

Düsseldorf, DE