Interactive election tool
It is one of the most popular election tools on the Web: the Wahl-O-Mat from the Federal Agency for Civic Education. In the run-up to the elections, the participating parties take a stand on different questions. Users vote on the same questions. The program then calculates which parties are closest to the users own political positions. Besides the classic orange-colored design, there are additional skins according to the occasion be it the elections to a state parliament, the federal German Parliament or the European Parliament. The success of the election tool has grown steadily over the last few years.
Digital Media - selected by Conrad Caine No time to study and compare the election manifestos of all parties? Simply switch on the Wahl-O-Mat! Its clear design provides instant usability. Especially the comparison of positions and weighting allows for differentiated assessment and decisions. A tool for people interested in politics, for first-time voters and for those who still don't know which party to vote for.
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