Edible Insect Farming Set
According to the UN, the world's population is projected to increase by 25% by 2050. With more mouths to feed and less land available for farming, it will be difficult to meet the increasing demand for food. To address this challenge, scientists are seeking alternative food sources. Insects, which are high in nutritional value and require relatively few resources to breed, have emerged as one option. The aim of this concept is to facilitate the breeding and consumption of protein-rich mealworms at home. By controlling the environment and the storage method, the quality and flavor of the mealworms can be improved.
A well-designed food solution that makes sense nutritionally, ecologically, and logistically.
WINNER STATEMENTI would like to thank my family, teachers, and classmates for their continuous support. I am truly honored to receive this award, and I hope to continue using design to bring positive energy to the world.
UNIVERSITYShih Chien University
New Taipei, TW